This blog is about reflecting personality through space and all sorts of design! Most recently my husband and I have been renovating the "previously stuck in the 80's" home we recently purchased, and adding just enough sparkle and awe to make it feel like somewhere special. But, mostly we want it to reflect our personalities. As life goes, we are always doing something new and this is where we share it and any tips we pick up along the way.
About Me
SLC, United States
In my 9-5 career I oversee community outreach -HR & PR- for a nonprofit health care organization. Eighteen years ago I married into a creative family who taught me a lot about floral decor and general design. That led to a lot of fun opportunities to contribute my talents to various events and projects over the years. My husband is a carpenter by trade and a building engineer by profession, but he's pretty creative too- just in a more manly sort of way! We have three kids 16, 15 and 10, and right now we are having fun renovating our new/older home in our "spare time" (if there is such a thing).